Contra leaders have a more limited agenda for this round of talks.
The Republicans, of course, have always said they had a more limited agenda than the Democrats.
Harazin indicated he has an agenda, modest and limited as it might be.
Mr. Bush's choice of a more limited agenda, though, may have more to it than Texas habits and the discipline of staying on message.
He adds that the rest of the time it is the bizarre and tragic, especially violent crime involving expatriates, that fill the limited agenda.
Forget taking racism in isolation, that is a very limited agenda.
But most of that research serves the agencies' limited agendas and is aimed at short-term regulatory questions.
They, too, entered the year with a limited agenda, and in defeat found election-year ammunition.
Instead, the accord starts with a limited agenda, "in the hope that over time, you build from these small steps into something broader."
By contrast, Ronald Reagan's pursuit of a limited but sharply defined agenda when he came into office generated wide applause.