But with limited American forces to do any clearing, the war in western Iraq looks much more like hang on and hand over.
Whether such a limited force could effectively influence events in Iraq is an important question.
He takes up position in the Alsace with his very limited forces.
Due to the limited forces available, they were not able to occupy the big Tyrrhenian island for long.
The test run lasted seven feet, and gave him his measurement of the limited force he had available.
Until home production caught up with demand, our limited forces would necessarily be concentrated in locations that were under active attack.
With the limited forces at his disposal, he could only get into Berlin from the north.
In low tones they discussed the best disposition of their limited force.
Even the limited force now in place has built up slowly: only 3,000 soldiers of a planned 5,000 have been deployed so far.
They can regroup and come back even with limited forces.