For a restaurant that has served a limited, simple repertory for five years, it is difficult to understand how quality can be so uneven.
"I have a limited repertory because of the kind of voice I have," she said.
Of 18 patrician praenomina, each clan preferred a limited repertory.
After she married Senator Kerry, she expanded his limited culinary repertory.
They created both utilitarian and decorative pieces that were entirely separate from the limited repertory of production work.
She works it by concentrating on a limited, conservative repertory of forms.
Under the previous music director, the orchestra performed a limited, conservative repertory.
This may seem like a prescription for limited repertory.
Aside from cost, the chief factor slowing the spread of these high-quality formats used to be the limited repertory.
In the golden age of opera, the great singers cultivated a limited repertory that ideally showcased their vocal gifts.