The proposal envisions a five-year period of limited self-rule, including discussions after three years on the final status of the territories.
At the beginning of the 13th Century, the west half of the Bussnang lands came under a limited self-rule.
First, they would negotiate a five-year period of limited self-rule.
Neither can Israelis reasonably be expected to grant even limited self-rule under such pressure.
These changes set the stage for early modernization in the 1940s and 1950s and for limited self-rule, introduced in 1944.
They seek more representation in public administration, the army and the judiciary and want either limited self-rule or outright autonomy.
Under the plan, the Palestinians were scheduled to begin limited self-rule over the two enclaves by April 13.
At this time, the communities (vicinanze) of the valleys were able to partly buy limited self-rule with cash payments.
Israelis think they've done us a big favor by giving us this limited self-rule - which doesn't work.
In 1865, a new government regulation replaced the previous regulation of 1832, which theoretically gave Suriname some limited self-rule.