However, they should be aware that the show is focused on the "high end" of the field, and will be restricted to one-of-a-kind and limited-edition pieces.
It released Gallery '88, a series of 93 limited-edition pieces, with only 15 to 100 copies made of each, that range from $500 to $19,500.
"I want to be able to do some limited-edition pieces and see how people take to them," he said.
The album was a limited-edition piece and sold quickly due to popular demand, leaving many fans empty handed and out of pocket.
Klerk put them all together in his limited-edition pieces, which are quite rare.
The show, running from next Thursday through March 3, includes limited-edition pieces priced from $70,000 to $400,000.
T-shirts printed with his work are being sold as limited-edition pieces at the gallery for $20 each.
The signed, limited-edition pieces of crystal range in price from $500 to $19,500.
A shiny orange door announces the entrance to Move Lab next door (803 Washington), a brand-new shop that offers limited-edition pieces, both furniture and accessories.
Mr. Moss curated the exhibition, which contains limited-edition historic pieces blown for the show, chandeliers from the 1920's and a few newly designed objects.