More than 180 different limited-edition series of posters were produced, raising more than US$50,000.
Speed is definitely a top-of-mind issue for Alfa Romeo, whose 8C Competizione concept car is meant to be the first of a limited-edition series of high-powered cars.
In addition to Savita Bhabhi, the site has developed many other ongoing and limited-edition series specifically aimed at Indian culture, each of which caters to a certain demographic of the population.
In 2004, Campbell's themselves recognized Warhol's art by releasing in the eastern United States a limited-edition series of cans that were inspired by the coloring and silkscreen effects of Warhol's pieces.
In 2006, Fairey contributed eight vinyl etchings to a limited-edition series of 12" singles by post-punk band Mission of Burma, and has also done work for the musical group Interpol.
The posters Beall designed for the Government were silk-screen prints, produced by a process usually reserved for limited-edition series.
Mr. Garvey has combined his love for sculpture and his blacksmithing experience to produce a limited-edition series of wrought-iron lamps and sculptures, shaped by his blowtorch into a variety of textured, rough-edged shapes.
Manufacturers have expanded their lines to appeal to these new buyers, adding more paperweights and desk sets for executives, and limited-edition series for collectors.
In 2006, a limited-edition series of three Pez dispensers were made to look like the Teutul family from Orange County Choppers.
This summer, Mr. Hoey will produce a limited-edition series (at $1,360 a piece) while he talks to companies about ways of commercializing that design, and others, for a wider audience.