It was no longer the wide steppe with limitless horizon; but the rich country was empty.
When the fog descends on this part of the San Joaquin Valley in winter, the limitless horizon of summer disappears.
A sense of possibility, of the limitless horizon you can only see from the top of the wave, gives the dark proceedings a hopeful lilt.
The unknown emperor now stared over a limitless horizon, as if in search of new lands to conquer.
She lifted her hand to shade her eyes against the limitless horizons.
(1990), to be "limitless horizons and hope," it depicts a zealous race for success and betrays a fear of loneliness.
His delight had less to do with those par- ticular bags of pirate treasure than with the apparently limitless horizon that stretched out before him.
In no time we reached the old Skyway, pointing straight and true toward a limitless horizon.
It was a cool and breezy evening of clear air and limitless horizons.
And the narrow confines of his cell had been replaced by vast, seemingly limitless horizons.