Marly stared out the limo window as they drove away from the cemetery, studying Cade's fiercely controlled expression in the glass.
She can smell something smoky drifting out of the limo window.
Tommy squeezed himself out of the limo window and, with the help of many eager female hands, scrambled up onto the roof of the car, where he stood, arms stretched out like a Messiah.
It's pretty easy to tell which companies have contracts with corporations and law firms (clients use vouchers rather than cash) just by looking at the tags in the limo windows outside big office buildings, especially late at night on Wall Street.
I glanced in the limo window and recognized Mrs. Mayer.
Scanning the row of limousines parked across the street, she was relieved to find the name rizzoli displayed in one of the limo windows.
You never know who's behind that tinted limo window.