Sara slapped a hand over them, and Jack limped quickly across the room to take the phone from Boy's decaying hand.
She limped quickly across the room to open the curtains and let in the sunlight.
Lawson, troubled by a behaviour which seemed inexplicable, took his hand, and Philip quickly limped away.
Elizabeth slid off the counter, limping quickly around the corner to allow Cassie to see her.
Without a word, Ian turned and limped quickly toward the door.
Hagan limped quickly into the cottage, closing the door behind him.
He stood petrified, staring at the dog, which was limping quickly across the street, its ropelike tail pulled between its legs.
Bourne did so and the retired field officer limped quickly into the room, treating his cane as if he loathed it.
Still a bit stiff, Picard limped quickly through the doorway as the entryway parted before him.
He limped quickly into the daylight, only to have to wait while she sidled past the fallen chunk of stone.