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Though relatively modest in scale, the show at the Met had an effect of immediacy and limpidity.
Clear and lucid to the point of limpidity not."
He has long been a pianist of confident limpidity, and he sounds so here.
Barrientos was a singer with a voice of almost instrumental limpidity.
Something, too, of its sparkle and limpidity.
Order and reason, limpidity and proportion are paramount.
"If you define good writing as clarity, limpidity," he said, "most of this will be by definition bad writing."
I look up and sense Amantani floating in this stillness, in a blue limpidity.
The result is an unusual limpidity in performance, as if the music is being explained as it is played.
The calm and limpidity of the waters, the warmth of the sky - we are in the south of Europe.
How could it not be, given the limpidity, the aerial lightness, of the three huge forms and the subtlety of their interaction?
Richard Tanner, the choreographer, responded with 12 dancers and a work of spareness and limpidity.
This is a reverential show but overshadowing the homage aspect is a lyrical limpidity.
A sweetness without sentimentality, a limpidity without naivety.
He surpasses [Balzac] in energy and limpidity of composition.
And as the late critic Brooks Atkinson once observed, what the actors have to do is "translate limpness into limpidity."
The Requiem calls for a quintessential Verdi soprano: a big, warm voice with, ideally, a quality of limpidity.
"Limpidity is not Stubbs," Mr. Bailey said.
Across the warm brown of her cheek her blown hair glittered like silver wire; and her eyes too looked lighter, almost pale in their youthful limpidity.
In its limpidity the nymphs and satyrs that he had chased upon it seemed to renew their pictured orgies of drunkenness and lust.
"Mad Rush" (1979) moved from gently swaying figures to rich, gushing arpeggios and "Moonlight" Sonata limpidity, then back to its wistful beginnings.
The curved and squat outlines of some Nissen huts crowded up against the north front windows, and the lake had lost its limpidity under a green mask."
Although it flowed with rapidity in all declivities where common water would do so, yet never, except when falling in a cascade, had it the customary appearance of limpidity.
But the glint to the orchestral sonority that Berlioz's clever manipulation of his instrumental forces could so distinctively elicit is given an extra sparkle, limpidity and freshness.