The line curves northward to protect islands that have long been held by South Korea, even though they are much closer to the northern mainland.
The lateral line curves slightly around the pectoral fin.
If you look at it, it's a straight line curve going up; in 1969, we had zero security guards.
While two or three numbers are easily repeated, shown in the beginning straight line, fifteen numbers becomes more difficult, as the line curves.
The line curves right at this point and begins to descend entering a closely wooded section.
The rest broke rank, making the line curve around her.
Immediately to the west of the station the line curves sharply to the right and enters a short tunnel.
East of here, the line curves north and becomes elevated over Roosevelt Avenue.
At the far end the line curves left into a short cutting before diving through Highertown tunnel.
Upon leaving the station, the line curves south by 90 degrees to run under Queen's Park (the street).