He can swing, and his lines often floated nicely, like leaves swirling in the wind.
She saw more arrows rise up, dark lines floating in the sky.
The dinghy barely moved now; his line floated lazily in the water.
If nothing more than the termination was done, the line would float to some unknown level.
In the middle of the vast lake a vertical black line floated above the mist like the mast of a ghostly ship.
A surge right and left, a vicious tug, and Betty's line floated on the surface of the water.
A line of salmon clouds floated on the horizon.
On screen, pencil-thin white lines floated on a field of black.
As he fell asleep, Byron's lines floated through his fuddled mind.
At one point a line of green flying creatures had floated slowly out of the jungle and across the Road.