The line has been mentioned in various television show gags, including The Simpsons and South Park.
The station and line are mentioned in the refrain to the 1969 Sweet Thursday song "Gilbert Street".
The line is not mentioned in the UNJLC description of the network.
When the bottom line - 25 to 24 - was mentioned to him, Dryden paused and sighed.
This line is first mentioned in the 1277 list of the Milanese aristocracy.
Other lines of work are mentioned hardly at all and then only peripherally.
A few relevant lines are mentioned:
When the line about the M.V.P. car was mentioned to him, he laughed.
And a second line of succession was mentioned, and a third.
Specific lines from the movie are mentioned ("society being too sick to survive", etc.), and Spike muses on why the name is familiar to him.