To show off the line of her legs, she was frequently costumed in trousers and assigned male roles.
The ballerinas do not even really need to be dancing on point, though the toeshoes do extend the tapering line of their legs.
His glance moved slowly up the line of her legs, to her shorts, to her blouse, to her eyes.
The sleek long line of his legs shoots into the air with startling effect.
Maggie's hair fell back from Connor's shoulders and her skirt drifted along the slender line of her own legs.
The stiff muscular lines of her legs were like the vertical forms Raphael used to lend dignity to his paintings.
The line of her legs was just so graceful and tender-know what I mean?
The tension was in the long line of his legs stretched beneath the table.
Davies shrugged, watching as the ant approached the line of his outstretched legs.
Then he traced the lines of his legs upward.