Each gene was amplified by PCR using various cycle numbers ranging from 30 to 55 cycles to ascertain its linear amplification.
This is a shame, since switching in some ways is much better than linear amplification.
A known drawback of linear amplification is that sequences at the 5' end of transcripts can be preferentially lost.
Note that the most linear amplification is current amplification by a bipolar transistor, so you may want to amplify before the impedance conversion.
In particular, the negative feedback technique enables very linear amplification to be attained despite substantial nonlinearity in the open-loop amplifier.
Therefore a "chain reaction" cannot occur and only linear amplification is expected.
Unlike simple radio communication, which only needs to make transmitted signals audible, direction-finders measure the received signal strength, which necessitates linear amplification of the actual carrier wave.
A widely used protocol, developed by Eberwine and colleagues, uses T7-based linear amplification [ 14 ] .
Evaluation of linear amplification by hybridization We went on to evaluate the fidelity of the linear amplification protocol by microarray analysis.
Extensive microarray-based analyses suggest that improvements in yield, dynamic range and fidelity render linear amplification a better option for genome mapping studies.