He championed a "cinema for the millions", which would use clear, linear narration.
Along with this goes an associative mode of writing which incorporates plays on words and constantly disrupts linear narration through looping and repeated narrative strands.
The film was notably appreciated for its linear narration, which discussed familial bonds in a sensitive fashion.
The project collapses, as does the linear narration.
However in the film version, flash backs were replaced with a linear narration.
Traditional linear narration is avoided in favor of "inspirations, bifurcations, distractions."
This is one of the very few Indian films, which is divided to 15 chapters, varying from linear and non-linear narration at various sequences.
The non linear narration, which is cinematic, plays on Afrofuturism's relationship between technology, black magic, and race-to whit: Also, Nelson deals with Reed's use of technology and its functionality in the text.
He prefers lush, dreamy imagery and free-associative editing to linear narration, and the movie's look and rhythm is, like Leon himself, alternately charming and annoying.
Neither Cone nor Angell could have anticipated the 2000 season, but in telling its story, Angell avoids the trap of straight-ahead linear narration.