It developed characteristics such as painterly gesture, linear quality, and vibrant colors, as well as a sense of individual personality, humor, and fantasy.
They employ the linear qualities of uli art but are not just copies of traditional designs.
This time, however, the artist uses gouache, a watercolor medium that gives the images solidity, in contrast to the restrained, linear quality of the pen-and-ink pieces.
Despite his Venetian birth, his paintings have a linear Umbrian quality.
According to John White: "The relatively schematic, linear quality of much late-thirteenth- and early-fourteenth-century work is wholly absent.
He eschews grandiose sound enhancement, and the set designs for his shows tend to share a linear quality.
In one especially telling passage, she muses on the bounded, linear quality of earthly life: "There are so many lives.
Campbell's style of painting is figurative, with a hard linear quality to the application of paint.
"There's a linear quality to his carving and painting that reflects his trade as a house painter," Mr. Anton said.
The photographic origin of many images shines through the linear, abstract quality of the engraving medium, often giving a startling immediacy to the scenes.