A spare shirt and linen drawers, crumpled from being carried so, and laundered on the way, probably more than once.
Philip pivoted, his trousers sliding to his ankles, exposing baggy white linen drawers.
Laura shifted her hips, watching him, riveted by the sight of his dark hands against her white linen drawers.
The kitchen telephone was buried in a linen drawer.
He pulled open the linen drawers below the sink.
Somehow we got two dozen ladies' linen drawers instead of two dozen drawknives.
She stood a moment in her linen drawers, then slid them down over her legs and kicked them aside.
"I do take back that remark about age," she said as she reached from behind and grasped him through his linen drawers.
All he had on were thin linen drawers.
In the 14th century, men's hose were two separate legs worn over linen drawers, leaving a man's genitals covered only by a layer of linen.