These men, though so fierce in appearance, were not barbarians, for they wore linen garments that gave to them the aspect of priests.
Priests of Isis typically shaved their heads and wore linen garments rather than wool.
He fished out a white linen garment that looked like a woman's cool summer dress and handed it in to Newman.
He took out an old linen garment which he proceeded to tear into strips, holding a corner between strong white teeth.
He washed his hands and feet both before removing the linen garments and after putting on the golden ones.
Over it she wore a white linen garment, which completed her attire.
It is poverty that has compelled her to wear this white linen garment until both sleeves are torn at the side.
A group of patients clad in loose linen garments were there with their attendants, who plunged each one into the water.
And the Gemara clarified that the linen garments were meant.
These linen garments were worn only once, with new ones being made each year.