Marie gave her a calico dress and an embroidered linen petticoat, saying, "You will not wish to wear buckskin on the ship, for you would never be dry."
Now she chewed her lip, all too aware of the feel of soft linen petticoats against her legs, the flapping of her skirt in the stiff wind.
The next layer included her calico dress and linen petticoat, the woolen sweater, and both blankets.
At the opposite extreme, there were many fashions in leather, including long, full-skirted princess styles at Hermes, worn over pale linen petticoats.
Her skirt is turned back showing her linen petticoat and the garter that holds up her mauve stockings and cuts into the flesh.
My linen petticoats were singed, but not charred.
She sat astride, her black wool skirt bunched up, exposing a linen petticoat with a band of decorative whitework at the hem.
She mustn't ramble about in laplinyn, her shortgown and checked linen petticoat and dark stockings.
Gabbie managed somehow to land atop the large blan- ket with a swirl of silks and linen petticoats about her while still maintaining her angry aspect.