The linen store smelled of lavender and thyme and was empty, as if it was waiting for someone to come and bring it back to life.
His father owns Softhome Inc., a chain of linen stores based in Norwood, Mass.
There are linen stores, too, in Por San Maria, where Cirri's sells girls' and babies' fancy party frocks for $50 to $387.
Seven years later, after a divorce, she found a job in Manhattan at a linen store, Curtains and Home, where she ran a division that offered custom closets.
To support himself and the three fighters he lives with, Kozlowski works at a linen store in Queens taking orders.
A man in a hat is reflected in a linen store's window.
Mrs. Trump's shopping sprees were confined to fancy linen stores.
Next time, we'll stock our house from the nearest linen store and have a stylish and original memento of the vacation.
Imports from the continent valued £3.9 million, with linen, wine, timber, naval stores and bar iron prominent.
At the high-end linen store of E. Braun & Company, a similar sham would be about $250.