This time, the safety board provided three sets of linen-covered tables for the families of victims in the cavernous ballroom where the hearings took place.
The room was brightly lit, with fifty empty chairs arranged in five rows, a linen-covered table and coffee service at the back.
Trevayne walked back to the linen-covered table and threw the notebook carelessly on top.
On the linen-covered table was a breakfast more suited to three kings than just one man.
Each room has a linen-covered table for two, perfect for ordering from the inn's first-floor restaurant, the Row.
In the ballroom, the linen-covered tables had floral centerpieces and a double balloon arch hovered above the dance floor.
Long linen-covered tables had been set up on the main floor with food and drink.
The cheerful main dining room, seating 65, is a decidedly democratic affair, with linen-covered tables pushed together to form long rows cafeteria-style.
Mounted on a linen-covered table was a sculpture of woven, wired and glued bones.
A few figures wandered in front of the lengthy linen-covered table, but were far outnumbered by the servers behind it.