Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This violent lingual rape was not something she had experienced before.
This is why lingual continuity does not correspond with cultural.
It is found on the distal lingual side of the tooth.
It's only a slight lingual hangover from the first days of my Return.
At one time, the political success of the Irish here was explained by historical and lingual factors.
Thought-speak works on a level higher than words, so lingual barriers are not a problem.
The floor of the mouth also receives its blood supply from the lingual artery.
It would be cost effective to have a national, multi- lingual information resource.
These reasons could be attributed to cultural, lingual and immigration barriers, among others.
Some considered these developments victories in a march toward national lingual unification.
Most patients choose lingual braces for aesthetic reasons, as they cannot be seen.
They were confident that establishing their lingual equivalent could make the unknown known.
A lapse in control that showed his lingual roots.
She fought the lingual member with her own, while at the same time sucking it in greedily.
The two states had different political ideologies and different lingual cultural aspect.
So intensive, and so purely lingual, that absolutely no information passed.
They occasionally open into the facial, lingual, or superior thyroid vein.
"The way children talk these days," said Piotr, "you'll be lucky if they're lingual at all."
The lower second premolar almost always presents with two lingual cusps.
Mark's lingual assault gathered in intensity as he sensed that she no longer cared about the audience.
For example, the lingual nerve can be anesthetized to produce a numb tongue.
An even smaller ridge is located below the ridge on the lingual side.
There are three roots: two at the labial and one at the lingual side.
He includes many illustrations as well as charts with lingual similarities.
Identifying information, like a name or Social Security number, typically goes on the lingual surface - the tongue side - so it does not show.
We think he is a member of our linguistic community.
But there is no such coming together on the linguistic front.
These changes were not only political but also linguistic and cultural.
One can only guess at the linguistic situation of the time.
But he also knew that linguistic efforts would not be enough.
But maybe it is less political these days and more cultural, or linguistic.
It is linguistic behavior on the part of the individual.
There has been very little linguistic research done on the language.
There is the linguistic practice of saying who, or what, one meant.
I'd never thought about the linguistic structure of it all before.
Thus, some linguistic knowledge comes into play in this step.
However, we are not here today to resolve a linguistic issue.
You understand things that otherwise make no sense in linguistic terms.
Through their linguistic acts people effect change in the world.
As a result, the country is in a state of linguistic confusion.
There are also several major linguistic groups within the Chinese language itself.
I'll have to run back to the house and find my linguistic references.
This was not a religious issue, but a cultural, linguistic, and political one.
The problems, of course, run deeper than simple linguistic issues.
I rise today to our immediate past president's linguistic defense.
While we're at it, little has been said about the linguistic implications of the issue.
The linguistic and legal services will ensure that is done.
Linguistic diversity in the Union is a matter close to my heart.
But the issues dividing them are not just cultural or linguistic.
Although the population groups are quite small, the linguistic map is complex.