The group has been involved recently in plans by Kashmiris, who have an ethnically and linguistically distinct culture, to create their own electoral system for the territory.
The Francophone Walloon identity of Belgium is linguistically distinct and regionalist.
Under this regime, the predominantly ethnically and linguistically distinct Assyrian Christians were pressured to identify as Arabs.
A few linguistically distinct migrations (favored by Edward Sapir)
The Yupik languages are linguistically distinct from the Inuit languages.
The Serbs and Albanians are linguistically distinct.
An estimated forty linguistically distinct groups existed before Euro-American contact.
The more linguistically distinct the sounds of a patois, the more it can come to symbolize social distance.
The Fuegians have been thought to be physically, culturally and linguistically distinct from other Native Americans.
This language would be from a linguistically distinct community that has been settled in the area for many generations.