The corporation also links social-service agencies and businesses.
On the communications front, Clinton's programme would help fund a national information network linking homes, businesses, classrooms and libraries.
Pedestrian walks and bikeways would link the various attractions and businesses.
Various electronic systems for linking businesses have been available for years, but these usually required costly private data networks and tailor-made software.
As a project that links schools, businesses and the community, School-to-Work is not merely a so-called shadow-job experience.
About 2,000 private joint ventures link Turkish and Central Asian businesses.
The company works with Google+ Local to link businesses to Google's business information pages.
As a low-cost communications network linking businesses worldwide, the Internet is expected to reduce the cost of materials, inventory management and product development.
And, in this 21st century global economy, it's critical to link businesses to the markets abroad.
This is especially important in developing networks linking government, businesses and organisations.