Closer links between finance and industry "will eliminate independence and diminish entrepreneurship," said Mr. Kaufman, who added that the process was gradual and only in its early stages.
After closure, the majority of parents expressed preference for the larger schools now attended by their children, though their links with the school had diminished.
The direct link between physicians and hospital ownership might diminish unproductive perks and increase investment in assets better suited for long-term patient care.
Still, many jazz musicians, bartenders and club owners in Harlem say the links between jazz and blacks have diminished, even as much of the best jazz continues to be made by black musicians.
These links do not, in any way diminish the sovereignty of either Somaliland or its neighboring countries over their respective territories and indeed Somaliland's commitment to peace and co-operation with its neighbours will ensure that these kinship links and traditional nomadic(s) are dealt with in a modern and conflict free manner.