When a connection was initiated using the Modem Tool, the link to the modem was opened, commands sent to it, and the link established by dialling.
Whereas the real links establish a nexus implicating both the Germans and the Allies, one is left to speculate about David Frankfurter's intended role here.
He noted that no nuclear weapons had been found in Iraq and no direct link between Mr. Hussein and Al Qaeda established.
It intrigued him, this psychic link this new Breed had established between one another.
"The links are established," stated Cardona.
Between 1920 and 1960 over 7,000 studies established a link between smoking and health problems.
Educational and economic links established between the respective cities and their regions since 2006.
These links established a Metis population, and by 1820 Milwaukie was essentially a Metis settlement.
Diplomatic and political links between supra-national bodies such as the European Union, on the one hand, and the African Economic Community, established in 1994, on the other.
Pilot projects are to be supported, new networks created and better links established between existing networks, with the proviso that the affected groups must be actively involved.