These links do not represent an endorsement of the products or any commercial enterprise.
Nodes represent actors and each link represents a dependency between two actors.
A. In the economy, companies and banks are the nodes, and the links represent the transactions among them.
In these models, the nodes correspond to words or word stems and the links represent syntactic relations between them.
The six links in the chain represent the city's six communities.
These five links represent a selection of 'social bookmarking' sites.
The links in figure 2.8 represent both forward and backward pointers, but the confidences and ranks are not displayed for simplicity.
An eagle is above the figures, and twenty-four links of a chain bordering the seal represent the number of states then in the Union.
The twenty-two links in the chain represent the twenty-two members of the League at the time of the flag's adoption.
A link is shown as a solid line, and represents an instance of an association.