The lyrical content of some of Slipknot's songs has been linked to several violent and criminal incidents.
'Not a Representation' The police said that until the two recent bias attacks, the group's name had not been linked to such incidents.
It is extremely spooky and has been linked to several local paranormal incidents, such as the infamous 2001 Prescott getting hit by lightning incident.
There were police reports linking him to cruelty-to-animal incidents, drug use, burglaries and arson.
Moreover, deferred dreams appear to be linked to periods of social unrest and violent incidents, at least since the Civil War.
Jobbik has also been linked to homophobic incidents in Budapest.
Peter Brower, Ramapo's police chief, also said there was no evidence linking it to previous incidents.
There are few studies explicitly linking cognitive biases to real-world incidents with highly negative outcomes.
The Indian authorities are also increasingly linking members of the guerrilla organizations to recent bombings, shootings, drug-trafficking incidents and other problems in southeastern India.
Syrian officials said the attack was carried out by "a terrorist and sabotage group," linking it to recent terrorist incidents in other Arab capitals.