Linked to the poor results of rivals Brugge, this situation led to a 6 point difference between the two clubs after 32 matches.
The brand names tested were given in the report, but not linked to the individual results.
Can't you link to the actual results?
The assessments sparked significant controversy, partly because of the decision to link tuition increases to the results of the inspections.
For each of the icons linking to the stored results, the user has a choice of archiving them, including print, save and mail options.
The PDQ editorial boards use a formal ranking system to help the reader judge the strength of evidence linked to the reported results of a therapeutic strategy.
On the evening of the Iowa caucuses, the site ( provided running vote totals, linked to the results being fed to the state Democratic and Republican Parties.
With vital foreign assistance linked to the results, Mr. Preval and Mr. Smarth are committed to a program of selling off inefficient Government-owned companies.
He resigned from the role on 9 May 2006, after the extension of the contract offered him by the Albanian Federation was linked to the results that would be obtained.
Saad al-Muyalibi, an Iraqi government adviser, said that the killings "could be political, but not linked to the results of [the] elections".