I'd order their commander to break out and link up with friendly forces at once.
Meanwhile the beachhead would be consolidated by 48th Commando, working their way along the coast to link up with forces from Sword.
In fact, the Belgian divisions protecting the border were to withdraw and retreat southward to link up with French forces.
The defending force would then retire to the main defensive positions along the River Dyle, where they would link up with other Allied forces.
Once the operation began, they could signal helicopters or link up with friendly forces.
The French 7th Army would hold the line on the Scheldt and link up with Dutch forces.
The Regiment made the deepest penetration of the war, arriving in Czechoslovakia before finally linking up with Soviet forces heading west.
The vehicles pushed on toward Moody Brook to link up with Sánchez-Sabarots forces.
When the BBC confirmed the landing, Terry immediately set out to link up with British forces.
A concurrent outbreak of amoebic dysentery (contracted after linking up with Chinese forces) further reduced their effective strength.