Long term exposure to fine wood dust has also been linked with an increased risk of developing cancer.
Even low doses have been linked with an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and death in these two groups of people.
There are two main types of radiation linked with an increased risk for cancer:
Drinking several cups a day is linked with a lower risk of depression, according to a new study that looked only at women.
Studies show that smoking is linked with an increased risk of stomach cancer.
Medical conditions that have been linked with an increased risk include:
Low selenium levels seem to be linked with an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis.
Smoking and being obese are linked with a higher risk of fatal prostate cancer, he says.
But the only factor that was linked with a lower risk across the board was a close-knit family, the study found.
Low chromium levels in toenails seem to be linked with a higher risk of having a heart attack.