His lips still muttering, Tim let the receiver fall.
His lips muttered a name that Lubber could not hear.
The lips of one muttered the dread name: "Ying Ko!"
He glanced toward the door; his thick lips muttered an oath.
His squinty eyes were looking for a number, while his pudgy lips muttered oaths because he could not see it.
The old man was piteous and huddled, his beady eyes staring, his lips muttering silently.
His parched lips were muttering words of pleading.
At intervals, his lips were muttering, but he was simply telling himself to "snap out of it"; and the formula seemed to work.
Quivering lips were muttering the identity that they thought belonged to the raider: "The Shadow!"
The Knight bent down and crossed himself devoutly, his lips muttered a prayer.