He remembered one evening when she arrived at a party Tsuyo gave for his students (a score in number), her lips painted a brilliant red.
Her tight red dress, her hair long and full, her lips painted red.
She looks straight into the camera and smiles, hands on hips, dress suit neatly pressed, lips painted deep red.
Her lashes were darkened, her lips painted a festive cherry red.
His face was powdered to white, his lips painted red.
The pictures usually featured a black-and-white photograph, with the lips painted red, eyes painted blue and other spots retouched.
Her lips were neither pink nor painted.
Her eyes had been darkened, accentuating their shape and size, her lips painted red.
Chara was more contemporary in her tastes with a revealing dress of thin black and lips painted the color of blood.
She was young and blonde, her face and lips painted.