I had had a perfect chance to keep my lip zipped - and muffed it!
Abbie thought Olivia had almost certainly kept her lip zipped where the household staff was concerned.
All Santana did was keep his lip zipped, like the ultimate professional he is, and wait his turn again.
"They'll keep their lips zipped," he said.
The only alternative was the one they were employing: keeping their lips zipped and hoping the conversation would move on to safer areas.
You did all right, kid--kept your lip zipped at the right time.
"Got their lips zipped, I guess," Mel said disgustedly.
She's counting on his keeping his lip zipped until the conference is over.
And if we get into a jam, I want both of you wise guys to keep your lips zipped and let me do the talking.
If Ken Starr indicts me, you'll need to keep those gorgeous lips zipped a little longer.