The money will be put in liquid short-term securities until longterm plans are finalized.
These liquid securities can be sold for cash in the secondary market.
He also told me that Medallion sticks with highly liquid securities that trade in public markets around the world.
The funds most badly hurt were those investing in the least liquid securities and using the most leverage.
The index starts with the 1,000 most liquid securities on U.S. exchanges.
The pool now has short-term liquid securities and is safe.
Others, like money market funds, that may hold only the safest, most liquid securities may also have to sell.
Traditionally, corporate credit unions have invested in Treasury and other low-risk, highly liquid securities.
Creditors will need to trade partial forgiveness of debts for liquid securities backed by governments or international agencies.
Perhaps most disheartening, the crash has generated virtually no debate on the economic value of highly liquid securities markets.