Use of a "rotavap" therefore allows liquid solvents to be removed without excessive heating of what are often complex and sensitive solvent-solute combinations.
The Congressional agency said increasingly stringent government limitations on the production and use of Freon solvents would affect the methods based on liquid solvents.
Flush (the method of applying stain remover to loosen staining material and residue from stain removers) with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents.
The coating is a paradox, a "liquid solid" without solvents.
These dry very quickly by direct conversion of the liquid ink to a solid form, rather than by evaporation of liquid solvents from a mixture.
Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents.
Final thickness is also determined by the evaporation of liquid solvents from the resist.
While dry cleaning does not involve water, the process does involve the use of liquid solvents.
Flush the area with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents and allow to dry.