To return to the opening question, Dr. Musto's answer, like that of the season's liquor advertisements, is . . . in moderation.
It is said that birth of surrogate advertising happened in Britain, where housewives started protesting against liquor advertisements which provoked their husbands.
Actions by feminists are a staple of the news nowadays, including a recent successful move by a women's group to get a liquor advertisement withdrawn.
Bowing to criticism, NBC said yesterday that it was ending a three-month-old experiment that would have brought the first liquor advertisements onto national broadcast network television.
The big networks have chosen not to accept liquor advertisements, in fear of a public outcry.
Eby's protest against a recent liquor advertisement by Padmasree award winner and actor Mohanlal was hot news for national and international media.
At a glance it was a simple liquor advertisement.
I'm going to give that boy such a roomful of snakes and little pink elephants that he'll gag whenever he sees a liquor advertisement.
A later measure against alcohol consumption was a 1976 law that banned liquor advertisements in most publications.
Rhode Island's law, which dates to 1956, prohibits liquor advertisements that include not only prices but suggestive words like sale or wow.