Those waiting lists, of course, add to the mystique and increase desirability.
Footnotes edited for modern readers and lists of resources used by Tucker added.
The lists of articles 86 to 127[3] would add many other charges.
The lists also add heat to a growing debate over how to protect the 31 million Americans without health insurance.
Some lists omit certain days, or add others; there is no standard list.
One widely followed list of year 2000 companies added 7 companies in the last month, bringing the total to 124.
Great list and I would add 2 more:
A list of new books added to the library collection is brought out regularly and sent to all the teaching departments of the university.
A fairly priced list of mostly American and French wines adds to the dining experience.
Information from 2010+ (this list may not be complete or up to date, please add any other known progress test administrations)