The Strategic Plan also lists existing programs that either currently support the goal, or are expected to in the future.
He listed programs the unit offers, including special services for recent immigrants and courses on how to create civilian patrols.
Then he dived into his plans for the future, listing several programs he is putting together for next year.
The National Park Service lists historic sites and programs by state, and includes an application for those who think their house may be an undiscovered stop.
The Record Collector's Guild Page lists several audio programs as well at
For reservations, or a brochure listing all artists and programs, including three for children on the last three weekends in July, call 914-232-5035.
This page lists the various international institutes teaching full-time, part-time and short-term programs in political management.
State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies Lists programs that help people with disabilities become employed, including self-employment.
For a brochure listing all artists and programs, or to reserve tickets for any of the upcoming recitals, call 496-2596.
Its inspiration is the alliance's "Kids' Culture Catalogue," which lists more than 200 cultural institutions and educational programs that parents and teachers might want to know about.