A list of the victims revealed them to be people like bus conductors, longshoremen, petty clerks, laborers.
Teeming with ideas, the pictures seem to contain meanings the list doesn't reveal.
The book's list of contents reveals Thayer's heavy reliance on bird examples, filling 16 of the 27 chapters.
So this particular list of names reveals that eight woodwind players are called for, but not what instruments the eight held in their hands.
A list of indenture registrations in Philadelphia from 1772 to 1773 survives and reveals that most worked five to seven years to pay their masters off.
This list reveals those times when he is most vulnerable.
The list of effectives on 21 April 1802 reveals 3 officers and 155 other ranks.
It's the ultimate transparency; a list of a station's advertisers reveals everything you need to know.
There, the lists revealed less personal information; code names were primarily used.
Although essential as a starting point, any list of serial events will reveal only part of the unfolding story - for example: