The phrase may also be applied in a literal form, such as required ethical behavior of lawyers towards each other.
Modern biology rejects the literal and universal form of Haeckel's theory.
In English, "afflatus" is used for this literal form of inspiration.
Wali in the most literal form of the word, means "a person, community, or country that is under the direction and rule of another".
Nevertheless, expression goes beyond the immediate literal form.
The literal form of the ritual is always performed by consenting adults, by a couple who are already lovers and in private.
Old-time religion in its literal form makes frequent appearances.
Clojure can perform arithmetic on rational numbers and offers a literal form to represent them.
For those who enjoy the literal form of art, paintings and prints of windmills or canal houses can be found all across the city.
In Ruby, symbols can be created with a literal form, or by converting a string.