Some say they will heed only the literal text of statutes on which Congress has voted.
This can be useful when including literal text and scripting code, to keep the document well formed.
Autophobia also is used in its literal text to mean, by yourself, an uncontrollable fear of oneself.
This is a form of legislative interpretation that focuses strongly on the literal text of a statute.
Questions about this case will test the nominee's commitment to carefully following the literal text of the constitution.
In these instances, the transcreator must change the literal text, while attempting to create a similar effect on target audiences.
It may be considered undemocratic to ignore the literal text, because only that text was passed through democratic processes.
The text literal "PSO" must be written on the dotted line to the left of your figure.
To what extent may judges legitimately resort, beyond that literal text, to "fundamental rights," or to broader principles of law?
However, both the literal text and the concept of it forming an extreme form of short story long predate any association with Hemingway.