Commenting on the many questions asked he pointed out that a literal understanding of what was said in the O.T.
In this sense, the praise of the young man is meant to highlight his features and bring them to a literal understanding.
"It is useless to take refuge in an allegedly pure, literal understanding of the Bible."
Others are representations of Sharp's literal understanding of language, a common trait of autism.
Instead of using science to gain an accurate and literal understanding of external reality, as we do, the Ismailis used it to develop their imaginations.
Now Protestants and Catholics had both begun to put their faith in an entirely literal understanding of Scripture.
The literal understanding of such doctrines as the omniscience of God will not work.
They based their interpretations on their own traditions emphasizing a more literal understanding of the verses.
Comprehension may be especially impaired for text that requires an abstract synthesis of information rather than a more literal understanding.
The time and the circumstances favored the literal understanding of the poem's title.