The accuracy comes from literally counting the number of atoms in a single crystal of silicone and weighing it.
You could literally count the number of Flu fans in attendance - a couple of hundred at most.
It's stunning to realize that you can literally count on your fingers the number of people who have created and promoted this crisis.
I was trying so hard just to keep my head above water and was literally counting the days until the end of the course.
And, along with his congregation, he is literally counting his blessings.
When the loan came in at the beginning of every term, I lived like a king and by the end, I was literally counting the pennies.
The meter function is the same as before - it literally counts how many households are tuned to which programs.
In a country that prides itself on individualism and counts literally millions of entrepreneurs, it is a question worth asking.
"If you're talking about direct revenues, taxes that we can literally count, that's in the $40 million to $50 million range," the mayor asserted.
"They're literally counting checks right now in New York," he said.