His movie literally follows every word of the novel.
Bill Clarke's son, David literally following in his father's footsteps.
His great worry was literally following in hid mind's eyes the squadron's contribution to the target that night and wondering how they were getting on.
"You can literally follow the economy by the average size of the turkeys people are ordering," he said.
"My guess is that this would have an impact because you can literally follow through with students until after they graduate," he said.
Similarly, a piece on the complicated carbon markets attempts to help an audience better understand cap and trade by literally following the money.
The bill, he stated "follows almost strictly and literally the recommendations of (the) commission".
The police literally followed a trail of blood to his home.
On the Money literally followed the money through everything from breaking news to politics, to pop culture, and even sports.
You have to literally follow the traffic from one router to the next in order to come back.