But this Many-Colored Land is literally overflowing with meat and drink for the taking.
Lines of VDUs, literally overflowing with 'user-friendliness', displayed the minutiae of detail, specifications, stress factors, variables, co-efficients of linear expansion, quantum mechanics.
"The increase has simply swelled parking areas to literally overflowing," he said.
"When the park was full, people were literally overflowing their seats."
His house literally overflowed with books; the stairways were lined with them, and they even filled the front porch.
The shorter one with dark hair, who moved in a slightly angular way, like a man, was literally overflowing with energy.
The three or four stone toilets in the village were literally overflowing with excrement.
Now I, too, have become a grandparent, and I look at my children's children, and the love and pride literally overflows.
The pancake, a full 10 inches in diameter, literally overflows with baked apples.
The house literally overflows with furniture, art, dogs, travel mementos, books, plants, toys and games.