They jumped up and bolted pell-mellwand the Cardassians cut down forty or fifty from behind, literally slicing them in half with full-power beams.
His gleaming dagger literally sliced through the air.
Guiron proved his combat prowess by effortlessly defeating Space Gyaos, reflecting the flying creature's sonic beam and literally slicing it to pieces with his blade.
There was a triple crash, wherein The Shadow literally sliced his car between the other two.
Now the trackers literally sliced our way home with their sharp ponga knives, until we reached a clearing where we stopped to have our picnic lunch.
Charmeleon tricked Koga by using a zombie Psyduck to deflect Arbok's acid attack before literally slicing the Arbok in half with his tail.
After Zilder, it decapitated D'Ren and literally sliced Eridak in two.
Mr. Grey also loves inlay, a checkered design that craftsmen literally slice like bread from neat, tiny bundles of wood.
At the outside edge of the bit are two spurs that literally slice through the wood fibers to produce a clean hole.