Her pension has ceased and she has literally starved to death, despite apparent prosperity.
The city had literally starved, reduced to eating every dog, cat, mule, donkey, horse, sheep and goat it owned before capitulating.
One night in particular he dreamed about it-an especially luscious porterhouse, fried in butter and smothered fn mushrooms-only to wake up, mouth watering, literally starved, to face again the weak tea, dry toast, and, horror of horrors, this time a flabby, pallid, flaccid poached egg!
Their misfortune, according to Eugeniusz, was to be fenced-in behind barbed wire and literally starved to the point that they denuded the earth in the corral of grass which they ate, roots and all, seeking sustenance.
Twenty or thirty thousand strong, the herds were so dense that the animals in the rear literally starved, for the pasture was destroyed before they could reach it.
In response, the thin mouse stopped eating and literally starved to death.
The next two years of his life are the period of captivity in which the two boys, Richard and Stanley, are methodically beaten, humiliated and literally starved by their stepmother, while their father stands aside, a pathetic, depressed, not-so-innocent bystander.