He's warm, if crusty on the outside, honest, unsparing and brimful of illuminating literary anecdotes.
The professor would include many historical and literary anecdotes as he commented on the danger implicit in his experiments.
The prose of Mrs. Sackville-West (1892-1962) is filled with historical and literary anecdotes and sprinkled with quotes from celebrated poets.
Pardon me; I am wandering into the region of literary anecdote, when I ought to explain myself.
Just another obscure literary anecdote?
In the diary entries, Wilson ruminates on family, offers descriptions of trips to nearby sites, distills local history and geography, and most entertainingly, drops in the occasional literary anecdote such as this entry from 1952:
Now that literature itself has become paperborne, the literary anecdote may be the last survivor of the oral tradition.
His Parriana (1828), based around Samuel Parr, is a vast and ill-digested compilation of literary anecdotes and criticisms.
The hero of "Pnin" dreams of writing a small history in which "customs, curiosities, literary anecdotes" would be presented so as "to reflect, in miniature, la Grande Histoire."
Between 1775 and 1805, he wrote his Memoirs of a Traveler, Now in Retirement, which contains a wide-ranging miscellany of Dutens' life "interspersed with historical, literary, and political anecdotes relative to the principal personages of the present age".